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翎镇——Robyn Samffi能量瓶,催动人本能的能量场

2024-03-18 17:33



Robyn Samffi是居住在南非北部的一位年轻的能量巫师,也是翎镇的老师。精通英语、葡语、日语和中文。多年在新加坡做能量学者的工作,辗转过国内外多个国家为人服务,心理疏导,能量调理,冥想等。

Samffi瓶 是利用宝石、南非独有的植物、自制加持物,通过摆放阵法,让人们可以达到安神去病,以及催动桃花事业等的一种功效能量阵。对人们没有副作用影响,因为它是催动人本能的能量场。


Samffi Magic Bottle, full name Robyn Samffi Energy Magic Bottle.

Robyn Samffi is a young energy wizard living in northern South Africa, proficient in English, Portuguese, Japanese, and Chinese. She has been working as an energy therapist in Singapore for many years, serving people from various countries with psychological counseling, energy recuperation, meditation, and more.

The Samffi Magic Bottle is a type of energy formation which is consist of the combination of gemstones, unique plants from South Africa, and homemade blessings. Thus people who get Samffi Magic Bottle can achieve calming and healing effects, as well as the luck in love affairs through the positive influence of these energy formations on users’ energy fields without any side effects.

Since then, Lingzhen has promoted this energy technology greatly by incorporating the essence of China's Confucianism-- the changes in the “Gan-Zhis”(which means trunk and branches as the way to designate the years in Chinese calender ) and people's zodiac , as well as the use of the unique calendar of our oriental culture--- measuring the number and using the time.

来源: 互联网 责任编辑:TF002C
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